Member Highlights
The Midland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta dedicates time and efforts to exhibit The Five Programmatic Thrust of Economic Development; Educational Development; International Awareness and Involvement; Physical and Mental Health; and Political Awareness and Involvement. Midland Alumnae continues to explore these topics by highlighting the many accomplishments of members within the Chapter as they continue to showcase Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service.
Anita Jenkins
This month we would like to highlight the accomplishments of our Delta Dear Soror Anita Jenkins. Soror Jenkins has been a loving member of Delta Sigma Theta for (INSERT Years). Her work and dedication to philanthropy has inspired many people to come together and build communities.
Philanthropist, Mother, Wife and Devoted Delta Anita Jenkins continues to showcase the passion of giving back to her community. Soror Jenkins has become a major part of the Midland community, through her various contributions of seeing the success of young African Americans striving to make a difference. She and her family actively help the community through the James R. & Anita Horne Jenkins family foundation. Within this foundation the Jenkins family helps to support those in underrepresented communities. . Recently her efforts were highlighted through the naming of the Collage Dance Collective which was recently named the Andrea Louise Jenkins Center for Dance in honor of Soror Jenkins daughter who actively supported the College Dance Collective. Her daughter's remembrance has truly made an impact on the Collage Dance Collective, and her family continues to support in honor of her daughter. |